
Friday, August 04, 2006

king suck

kia ora hone and phil

are we sure we want to be the king maker? na, wanting to be the 3rd largest party in parliament is antithesis to why iwi society in 1993 supported the passing of the mmp bill. being the third largest party in aotearoa is playing into the hands of the baldyheads first past the post mentality. well it is an ideology actually, so mmp is supposed to dispose of the big brother/sister ethos, there is supposed to, under mmp be no such thing as "dominant party" or "the bigger than you party therefore I'm da boss" there is supposed to be no place in mmp systems for one party oligarchies, or "monopolies" or "largest donga parties" that sounds too much like largesse the landed gentry and all the surfs. is that what we all are, go along with the parliament because they know what is going down up in there. well to date that is not the case.

mmp is about the collective will, it's about communities, it's about individual self-determination and independence with the corresponding rights as indigenous people or not to group freedom of _expression independence and self-determination, this is fundamental to all peoples groups regardless of their size, position and economic status in society, they all should have a say, at present 90% of iwi do not get a say and our wishes are not listened to, so this mmp system is being illegally run by this government as a fptp. that is why iwi have shifted their support from the m roll to the general roll. that is why there will be distrust, continual complaints and well anything goes if this is not applied what I am suggesting is that we have to establish another iwi specific political party, it has to be an apolitical, areligious party plus iwi specific, with a communal iwi, hapu and whanau rangatahi tamariki focus etc., as well as having an anti-post-modernist contemporary and traditional base approach with, solutions based outcomes. lets give those eight thousand who changed from the m roll someone to vote for.


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