recolonisation stand up for mugabe indigenous rights advocate
kia ora koutou
Robert Mugabe is an indigenous hero
bringing 200 years of british oppression and brutality to an end in zimbabwe is what mr robert mugabe is doing. where did you get the idea that mugabe is the instigator of the violence, he is trying his best to manage a situation where it has been the colonials who are to blame. as in many decolonising countries the punishment of the friendlies are always going to happen, that is happening here, it happened in virtually every nation within the africa continent following the decolonisation act of 1920.
whenever the colonialists are kicked out bloodlessly or without a huge country destroying war their system of governance is left intact and the friendlies left in charge of the country and in every instance to reimpose the previous oppressive in your face totalitarian neo-liberal rampant capitalist government using the intact colonial police force, the colonial armed forces coupled with the wealth of the state to carry out the wishes of the overlords that are usually foreign. these swazi type governments are eventually overcome by the indigenous or original inhabitants but not without huge loss of life, and ill gained fortunes.
so many of the refugee's fleeing zimbabwe are all trained in the way of the invaders and pose a huge threat to the stability of an emerging indigenous nation so I congratulate robert mugabe in his efforts to rid the country of those who choose to undermine the sovereignty of the indigenous people of zimbabwe by backing from the british government they are essentially declaring their intent which is to destabilise the country. when aotearoa free's itself from the nz british guberment we too will kick out all those who have worked for the invaders, be that as cleaners, as lecturers in their schools, a teacher, kindergarten teachers. if you were a case manager for the welfare department, a security guard in a colonial bank, a bank teller what ever, when we take over aotearoa there is the chance that you may be banned from the new aotearoa or we will have you and all your whanau imprisoned or ejected from the country if you worked for or ever voted for the invaders. na not really but then ya never know what people are capable of hoqwever we are a very forgiving and reasonable people much as mugabe and the zanu PF party, how different is what he is doing to what this illegal government is doing to iwi, it is that what he is doing is correct for the people, they are dismantling the oppressive white system and replacing it with what appears to the outside world to be an oppressive society but the fact of the matter is that those whom his supporters have been seen to hunt down and kill the opposition organisers are clearly not of his instruction. these would be the new to the zanu PF theory of society whose enthusiasm is now not in doubt a strong party though such as their one would all ways have an answer resolving and rectifying issue.
but this government here is an illegal one and we are not even hearing any discussion from the government as to what they are going to do to satisfy our inquiry or to rectify the issue so that we as a people can move on and take our rightful place as the collective conscience of nga iwi hapu and whanau, not some thing from england efn overlord crap. no way we say go back to england.
karena puhi
na but seriously
Robert Mugabe is an indigenous hero
bringing 200 years of british oppression and brutality to an end in zimbabwe is what mr robert mugabe is doing. where did you get the idea that mugabe is the instigator of the violence, he is trying his best to manage a situation where it has been the colonials who are to blame. as in many decolonising countries the punishment of the friendlies are always going to happen, that is happening here, it happened in virtually every nation within the africa continent following the decolonisation act of 1920.
whenever the colonialists are kicked out bloodlessly or without a huge country destroying war their system of governance is left intact and the friendlies left in charge of the country and in every instance to reimpose the previous oppressive in your face totalitarian neo-liberal rampant capitalist government using the intact colonial police force, the colonial armed forces coupled with the wealth of the state to carry out the wishes of the overlords that are usually foreign. these swazi type governments are eventually overcome by the indigenous or original inhabitants but not without huge loss of life, and ill gained fortunes.
so many of the refugee's fleeing zimbabwe are all trained in the way of the invaders and pose a huge threat to the stability of an emerging indigenous nation so I congratulate robert mugabe in his efforts to rid the country of those who choose to undermine the sovereignty of the indigenous people of zimbabwe by backing from the british government they are essentially declaring their intent which is to destabilise the country. when aotearoa free's itself from the nz british guberment we too will kick out all those who have worked for the invaders, be that as cleaners, as lecturers in their schools, a teacher, kindergarten teachers. if you were a case manager for the welfare department, a security guard in a colonial bank, a bank teller what ever, when we take over aotearoa there is the chance that you may be banned from the new aotearoa or we will have you and all your whanau imprisoned or ejected from the country if you worked for or ever voted for the invaders. na not really but then ya never know what people are capable of hoqwever we are a very forgiving and reasonable people much as mugabe and the zanu PF party, how different is what he is doing to what this illegal government is doing to iwi, it is that what he is doing is correct for the people, they are dismantling the oppressive white system and replacing it with what appears to the outside world to be an oppressive society but the fact of the matter is that those whom his supporters have been seen to hunt down and kill the opposition organisers are clearly not of his instruction. these would be the new to the zanu PF theory of society whose enthusiasm is now not in doubt a strong party though such as their one would all ways have an answer resolving and rectifying issue.
but this government here is an illegal one and we are not even hearing any discussion from the government as to what they are going to do to satisfy our inquiry or to rectify the issue so that we as a people can move on and take our rightful place as the collective conscience of nga iwi hapu and whanau, not some thing from england efn overlord crap. no way we say go back to england.
karena puhi
na but seriously
Labels: aboriginal, genocide murder germ warfare indigenous resistance, indigenous rights iwi aboriginal maori samoa fiji rarotonga, war terror
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