
Saturday, September 20, 2008

the gods are on the side of indigenous peoples

the gods are on the side of indigenous peoples

Posted September 21st, 2008 at 02:31am

well it looks like the west is going into its last days, no hours who can and will be brought to the court of justice in the coming decades as the declaration of indigenous peoples begins to take effect around the globe we will see the perpetrators and instigators of some of the most heinous genocidal acts, annihilationist policies ever to be carried out on the indigenous peoples of the world. in the last decade with 3 to 4 million slaughtered in iraq, alone by market forces ably led by the crazed americans and their weapon of mass destruction. their weapon of choice has been the enslaved youth of its 400 million enslaved americans whom the government calls its citizen. what has become of the power of corridors of those who continually enslave its people, world wide the phenomenom of the unitedness of the type america uses, which russia uses, britain, and even the OA or organisation of african states. thus there exists within what is supposedly a transparent and fair system is no more than a committee of market led capitalist pigs. me and mine, me the individual, the ussr is led by a pack of greedy minded mean spirited individuals who want to hold poser for all time and to pass this same power on to its offspring for what to carry on generational slaughter of heathen savages. why is there such a desire to kill within these kind of united states systems, many say it is the first three words of the constitution where it states "we the people" much as is what is the exact wording of the united nations charter, is it that the international genral assembly which in itself is made of genocidal maniacs whom have come to these positions of power through their performances in the co,onies and as to how they perform in being able to slaughter indigenous people, with over 300 million killed by the allied forces across arabia, particularly lebanon, palistine, turkey, kurdistan, saudi arabia, afghanistan, pakistan, through to the philipines, east temor australia and NZ. what a record this socalled protector of all peoples rights has. the united nations through its veto holding nation of the security council has waged war on the world for far too long, when are we going to see change, since the bretton woods conference there has been none else but war and rumors of war all around the globe the united nations obstigates responsibility by claiming peace keeping duties which usually involves them disarming the indigenous people giving the colonial states sufficient invulnerability to relocate the indigenous people or generally slaughter them as has happened and is still happening in aotearoa. those that are immune to its weapons are imprisoned and from these they grow fierce armies to continue their dream of the new world order. don't get me wrong I think unitedness or the model of united nations or united nation states is a superior system to monarchy and its autocratic mechanisms. however united nations states has to be fed by electoral systems that are suitable to those peoples cultural histories and practices. worldwide the evidence points to oligarchies, enclaves or whole companies that hold a batch of voters, where 89% of some countries such as nigeria are recipients of tax dollars for the natural resources such a s oil. this is corrupt electtionering as the people are informed or coerced into voting to protect them and their families. differing from this path can lead to excommunication firstly from the company who pays for the house you live in who owns the shop where you buy your food from they own the school your kids go to how is that free and fair elections, in my county the pakeha or the british invaders keep us out of participating in the election process by disallowing us jobs, by keeping us poor and in abject poverty with laws that extinguish our votes, where we are not allowed to form our own political parties and where we are made to vote if we are educated enough to be able to read and comprehend the forms that are in the language of the invaders, and we have the choice of voting who of the invaders parties are going to enslave us for another three years. in a country where it is even against the law for indigenous people to even gather in groups of four or more in a public place, we are not even allowed our own businesses or if you want to do so then you have to jump 300% more hurdles than the invaders what up with that. we want freedom but to get freedom from this government we have to find the source of their ideology because they seem to have no ideology of theri own much more it is making itself known as that of a white power origin well we know this and we want them to piss off so if there is anyone out there who can see it as we see it and want to contribute to our cause then give us a ring I am at 0273488929. the difference has to be that at the whanau (family) level there has to be less emphasis on hierarchy and patriarchy, we have to give the women more of a role in society sure they say the age of feminism has led to increases worldwide into the lot of women but this is not evidenced by facts. perhaps there are more wahine running countries than there were twenty years ago but sadly these wahine (women) are mere shells of a man in that they are operating systems that were set up for white middle aged men, and the play of electioneering has to portray a wahine as one who can be decisive and have a rather masculine way of behaving, anyway the idea is that society is best run when men and wahine (women) are given equal status in world society karena puhi

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