
Tuesday, May 16, 2006

waikato river up for sale

Govt in fake talks over the return of waikato to iwi

This colonial government thinks that by appeasing tainui that they can appease all iwi, whereby offering the rights to the waikato river back to tainui, they think that iwi may consider less high profile ways of protesting at further encroachment of their immemorial rights to the whenua, fisheries, taonga, intellectual property etc. tainui has confirmed that it is negotiating some sort of settlement, or something; what the fuck ever that is to retain ownership of the Waikato River to Tainui.

the negotiations over one of the country's most sacred rivers are positive, however geoffrey karena, mema o te poari o te whakaminenga o aotearoa wonders to what extent would the crown go towards releasing full ownership rights of the waikoto awa to te whakaminenga of tainui. he also wonders how sincere is the crown in trying to rectify the wrongs of the past which he believes should be through a comprehensive reform and return of all lands to iwi. until such an action is implemented by the crown there is no way that tainui or any of the surrounding iwi should heed these fake offers. There was speculation the crown through the prime minister was to announce a deal during celebrations marking the 40th anniversary of the Maori Queen's coronation. which will not eventuate as an agreement in principle has yet not been drawn up. Nga ariki of tainui could not be reached for comment.

pakanga nui