damn whiners
Use your email filters if you don't like what he writes and stop damn whining woman!---
In tai-tokerau@yahoogroups.com, "Rosina Hauiti"
Ok Mikey - just for clarification purposes....> > So we can say whatever we like, provided its not perceived to be aview necessarily shared by the Te Taitokerau Community Legal Services- or its Board members.> > I dont think any of us have concerns over opinions expressed thatare not shared - but a line has to be drawn when it comes to decencyin those expressions.Spamming, flaming arent in the same league or ofthe same ranking as inciting violence and racial hatred.This isnt aone off occurrence, and the more it happens the more annoying itbecomes.Its like anticipating some unsavoury - very unsavoury gem tobe popped at the slightest provocation. > > Draw the line a little deeper - else you leave this egroup wide openfor more of yesterday.> > Rosina> >
----- Original Message ----- > From: Mike Smith > To: tai-tokerau@yahoogroups.com > Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 11:22 PM> Subject: [tai-tokerau] This egroup> > > Tena Koutou> > This note is not intended for anyone in particular but rather for the > record.> > Since its inception this egroup has been a vehicle for thetransmission > of information as part of the function of Te Tai Tokerau Community > Legal services activities> > As from now however none of the views expressed on this egroup should > be considered in anyway part of TTTCLS policy or reflect upon the > members of TTTCLS or its board members> > Consider this egroup Liberated !> > Mike Smith