
Thursday, November 05, 2009

Takutaimoana hoax

kia ora koutou nga iwi o te motu

Ahakoa te ahua pai o te whakamutua o te ture ra, ko te Takutaimoana e te kawanatanga mai te mahi rawe o te paati a iwi inaianei na, me whakamuri te mahara ana kia kaua ratou e wareware te kaupapa tino nui kei tenei whenua, te take tino hirahira ki a matou I enei ra ko te whakahoki mai o te mana whenua ki a tatou nga iwi o konei, ko nga tangata whenua I whanau mai i tetahi tupuna me te noho nei I te tau kotahi mano waru rau korekore I Aotearoa ke, ahakoa te iti o te toto he pounamu. Heoi ano ko te kawana he poturi mo tera engari ma o ratou mahi kino i nga rau tau ki muri ka kitea a ratou he kei te ao katoa, engari he mema o te Uniana o te Ao, ana kihai ra ratou e honore o ratou ake ture ko te Ture o nga Tangata whenua o te Ao. Te ture ratou e whakaae I 1920 te whakahokia ki nga tangata whenua o ratou ake whenua te torangaputanga o ratou whenua, kaore ano e tutuki a ka he tera. He mea tino kuare tera I te mea kaore tera whakamutua kaore ano ratou te mana o te kowai te aha ranei o tenei whenua me te ture ra mo te takutaimoana. Ko nga matua tupuna mai i te tau kotahi mano waru rau kore kore ka kite te riri kei waenga i a tatou ano. koira hoki, ko Fiti e kore te hia ana ki te piri taha ki te kawana nei hia tonu ratou ki te kitea te whakahokia o tenei whenua ki matou ake.

Mena e hia ana koe ki te kite te whakahuri ki tenei take, te hoki mai te mana whenua ki nga tangata whenua o tenei whenua ka miharo te tutuki ka tuhono ra koe ki te roopu nei e hanga e etahi I whakaro o rite, nau mai haere mai I haina ai me mutua tenei kuare tanga kei runga i a tatou kei runga i nga tangata whenua o te ao.

Karena Puhi
iwi hapu whanau independence paati o aotearoa

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Ko wai ratou

Ko wai ratou

Who are these twats who call themselves our leaders piss off when and how did they become our leaders did we vote for any of them mofo's na not even are they paid by the crown or do they feed out of the elites troughs

Is this that bloomin pakeha established iwi leaders act, where the pakeha put all these other dark brown pakeha or potatoes in as our representatives and tell us that we elected them kefe's well when did you or I participate in that election it is a farce how can any discussion that say "iwi leaders" have any credibility

repeal the F%S Act of course but then what will it revert back to what the ole lady used to warn us about which was watch out for the pakeha if you are taking tiotio as the pakeha will come and arrest us. A solution would be to kick all the pakeha out of the country even our friends, as none of them can be trusted and will turn on us if pushed and Iwi hapu and whanau will sit around and decide what is to happen not let these crooked iwi leaders decide for us

karena puhi

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