
Monday, August 07, 2006

Opposing Globalisation makes you a Fascist

Opposing Globalisation makes you a Fascist
By Nicholas Holm August 7, 2006

What the fuck do you people think you’re doing? You know who I’m talking to; the South East Asian farmers, so concerned with their own well-being they don’t give a toss if the rest of the world goes to complete bollocks; the suburban anarchists who’d overthrow the state if only they could work out where they’d buy their groceries afterward; and the government-suckling bureaucrats, more eager to ensure their own potential for future employment than to secure a place for the advancement of humankind. You people are the reason the Doha round of the World Trade Talks has failed, and you people are nothing more than fascists.

It’s understandable that you might be confused. After all, you’re much more accustomed to making use of such rhetoric yourself – you flail wildly hoping to tarnish your opponents with the tar and feathers of National Socialism, but the sad truth is that no modern politician movement has more in common with died-in-the-wool Franco, Mussolini and Hitler, let’s-kill-a-bunch-of-Jews fascism than the anti-globalisation movement, which is apparently, and ignorantly, glorified by the Far Left. Come May Day you no doubt descend on the pseudocommercial centre of Wellington that is Manners Mall, to smash a few windows of multinational fast-food corporations and in doing so prove to your bourgeoisie families that you’re ready to assume your position as a responsible member of the adult class. But are you ready to admit that deep down you’re much more inclined towards goose stepping and straight-arm salutes than to brawling for worker’s rights?

Sixty-years ago we dreamed of a united world, the end of all wars and the global enforcement of basic human rights by a competent yet benign international authority. And it wasn’t just a dream, it was tantalisingly possible; all we needed was devotion and perseverance and by the year 2000 we’d all wear shiny onepiece jumpsuits and vote for a single globe-spanning democracy. Things didn’t work out that way. We have no planetary democracy. We have no united world. We don’t even have shiny onepiece jumpsuits. People will tell you that was just a naïve fantasy we were indulging in, a pretty idea that masked more sinister undercurrents, and it was pretty much impossible anyway, I mean, we’re all so different, y’know? And so it just happened that we began thinking of global harmony as a bad thing. Well you know what? Anybody who tells you international solidarity is a bad thing is a fascist, just as buying New Zealand made is politically regressive.

Fascism, as we all know, is one of the major political innovations of the last century. Which doesn’t mean it’s a good thing, far from it, it’s just that it’s a peculiarly modern mindset that hinges around that most modern of ideas – the nation state. Now there’s no issue with a little bit of patriotism now and then, taking some pride in your country, be it New Zealand, Austria, Tonga or Costa Rica. The problem is when you start to think that your country’s fantastic, and think “gee, wouldn’t it be great if the whole world was like my country.” When the mythic past from which your country sprung is bold and strong, and the future is even bolder and stronger again, it might be the sign that we’re headed off in the wrong direction, especially if we’d like to reach that ‘state of world peace’ anytime soon. Other warning signs include the consolidation of authority and an increasing sense of aggressive militancy. Crowds begin to fall in line and toe the line, recite and chant the party line and before too long no one knows exactly where to draw the line. And then we’re fascists, we don’t like difference, we don’t like change, but we do like big talk, simple symbols and the nation state that commands our loyalty.

Globalisation is about much more than trade, just as trade is about much more than economics. If you are an economist and like to oversimplify the real world into broadly drawn models, then sure, trade is just cash flows and arrows. But anyone who spends a considerable amount of time in the real world realises that trade isn’t just cash changing hands – it’s cultures shaking hands. You don’t just turn up with a cargo of tea and expect someone to swap it for their opium, you’ve got to negotiate and barter and communicate in other similar ways, which requires some degree of crosscultural interaction. And that’s before we begin to consider the social qualities that are embedded in commodities such as tea and opium. You don’t even want tea unless you’re versed in some aspect of Englishness, and the tea only corroborates that trend, gradually transforming its drinkers into stereotypical Englishmen who wear monocles and gripe about the weather. And opium is hardly culturally neutral, just as flour, rice, coffee, oil and Peruvian nose flutes are neither.

So when the anarcho-eco-femi activists take to the streets to demand that we retain tariffs and quotas – tariffs and quotas that, more often than not, subsidise goods seen as somehow central to national identity – they’re saying, “we don’t want to interact with these others”, “ we don’t want the multinationals to make more money.” Multinationals who obviously upset their sense of national purity by sprawling across several states at once. A desire to buy New Zealand made is a desire to support our own country; as if New Zealand goods were somehow superior to foreign goods’ as if New Zealander producers were some how more deserving than those from other, apparently inferior in their minds, countries. All of which reeks of some sense of national purity, a desire to keep other impure forces at bay that could somehow worm into the national spirit and corrupt it. No Logo is like their Mein Kampf, communes are their inverse concentration camps and flowing hippy robes are their brown shirts. To oppose globalisation is to oppose internationalism; to try and retain national purity. The economic stability of the state becomes the ultimate end in itself, and the multinational corporation is a symbol of the dreaded cosmopolitan enemy. Anti-globalisation is undeniably nothing more than fascism in dirty clothes.

Nicholas Holm August 7, 2006

salient: student paper aotearoa
Please let me commend you on your efforts, it is needed and way overdue from the Maori community. Hone made a good media release the other day and so the Maori party and now the Maori community are clear about what is needed.

I apologise if i now begin to sound like an extreme pessimist, but their should also be a discussion about the "big picture". The US/UK/Israel coalition smokescreen is really a US dictatorship. The US needs the middle east to be in turmoil and it will do anything to keep it that way. But before we think about that, there is an even far greater issue that is being put to the side to the common detriment for all living species on the planet. DU. Depleted Uranium.- DU is the by-product of US nuclear power plants. It is impossible to get rid of safely, so Rumsfeld/Cheney's weapons company puts it in their munitions and send it elsewhere.

In actual fact, they have soiled our nest. the first Gulf war released the equivalent nuclear radiation of 40,000 Hiroshima bombs they can't acurrately measure the radiation release of the current Gulf war because the rate of use is too fast to measure DU continues to be released in Afghanistan, and was also used in the Kosovo war Du was also used in the 9/11 attacks, pointing towards covert US involvement 300,000 US gulf war veterans now have the mythical "Gulf War Syndrome" sickness, having deformed babies etc Many Iraqi children are born dead or at the least, terribly deformed. Baghdad kids play with DU shards lying in the street, some soldiers even wear them as necklaces Trade winds can carry the DU around the world within 30 days, hence the Nth Hemisphere "heatwaves" killing people in Asia and Europe The US usually gets 170,000 "new" lung cancer patients a year. For the month of January 2006 "alone", they reported 170,000 new lung cancer patients The previously conservative WHO (World Health Organisation) recently released a report stating that they expect global cancer rates to "double" over the next 20 years. DU takes 4.5 Billion years to break down. Lebanon is the tip of the iceberg.

But nobody ever wants to talk about the motive. The "real" reason why this is all happening it is because of Peak Oil. What we are witnessing is the last battle for the world's last remaining oil reserves in the Persian Gulf. And so what does that mean for Aotearoa that imports 100% of its oil? It means we will have nothing - When the tankers stop coming. Taranaki produces a little bit of crude but is only good for jet fuel so it is largely useless to us.

So when the capitalist delusion finally collapses around about 2010

the indigenous peoples and the greenies of the world will say with no satisfaction, "i told you so". And then we will have rangatiratanga, the urban migration will reverse, we will go back to being "real maori", (indigenous gardeners and sustainable fishers) and we will teach our fellow "kiwi's" how to live communally........ Please read this article and if you want to reseach DU, you don't have to go as far as Google, but be prepared for the images of deformed children, it will tear your heart out.

Rire rire hau



the rantings of a govt someone

Hey, I believe in freedom of speech. Who doesn’t? What I don’t like is theright to freedom of speech being abused so one can make race hate speeches.And what would disappoint me even more is a forum like this buying into thenotion that you must put up with hateful racist expressions because that’sfreedom of speech in action. Freedom of speech does not exist in a vacuum.

There are other values we as Mâori – as human beings – uphold. And sometimes we need to balancecompeting values against one another if we’re to be tika in what we do. It might be whining if Rosina didn’t have a point, but I agree with her.Inciting racial hatred has no place here, it’s not a solution. Did we as Mâori really go through all the years of hurt and prejudice that racism and discrimination brought against us, and still does to us, only to do that to Pakeha? Even to entertain the thought, it’s not acceptable. It’s hypocrisy. You become the monster you once detested. There is no mana, no manaaki and no honour in such behaviour. These are not the values we wish to pass on to our children. Attitudes of iwi kç are part of the situation, it is true. It’s fear-based, it’s ignorance, it’s a lot of things – but it’s fixable. It takes time, but with a multi-pronged approach and the right leadership (Mâori and CivilSociety) it can be turned around.

How am I so sure about that?

I’m not!

But I choose to put my hope in that, rather than the unworkable proposal to neglect all Pâkehâ, kill them or send them off overseas. The Crown is breaching the Treaty, not the Pâkehâ – Pâkehâ never even signed the Treaty. With all the bullshit the Crown’s been feeding the public about our historyand the lack of good information about the same, can you entirely blamePâkehâ for what they think? They’re being deliberately kept in the dark. And its not as simple as saying Pâkehâ should go find their own ‘truth’about our history, do some investigating of their own on it – like read theWaitangi Tribunal reports or something. Our true history needs to be astandard, mandatory, integrated part of this nation’s psyche – that means itneeds to be in our schools, and in our constitution for starters. Yes, many of us can set up an email filter and send writers like Geoff to the junk email box never to be read at all.

The problem is, none of his opinions including the good stuff will get read by us. And that would seemto be a waste, don’t you think? A better approach would be for one person -Geoff – to do us all a favour and not to include racist, discriminatorystuff in their emails.
