
Sunday, June 29, 2008


ano ra he whakaaro o matou mainly me so far hei aha ne might as well make use of me time anyway what yous fellas been up to seen the ole media have been talking up the two white parties giving them the winning of the race even before the battle has begun, typical where are the rights of the other 75 percent of people who do not get to have the vote recognised and if they do get that it has to be a watered down version of what their overarching philosophies might be or as to where their ideological bent is so bent.

heres out latest creation have a listen goes better with boom bass as well and messaging

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tena ra koutou he mihi nui teneki ki a koutoi i oukoutou wa kainga te aha hoki

no reira he korero enie o etahi o amatou rangatahi ki te korero ona ake korero heoi ano ma te rorohiko nei i puta mai o matou nei hiko o nga awaawa na te hua ko te whakawhanuitia o etehi o matou whakaaro ite mea anei tetahi

tena ma

ano hoki mena e hia ana koe koi te tirohia i nga take o teneki kaupapa ko te whakahokia o te mana motuhake ki a tatou nga tangata whenua o aotearoa chur so yep will be posting video's on here that may seem amateurish but shyte its all gud there is no competition here its all awash whomever one wants to communicate with thats their prerogative, which makes for some very sticky situations online for what could be said to be less than acceptable online behaviour tricky so beware

anyway whanau whomever here it is

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recolonisation stand up for mugabe indigenous rights advocate

kia ora koutou

Robert Mugabe is an indigenous hero

bringing 200 years of british oppression and brutality to an end in zimbabwe is what mr robert mugabe is doing. where did you get the idea that mugabe is the instigator of the violence, he is trying his best to manage a situation where it has been the colonials who are to blame. as in many decolonising countries the punishment of the friendlies are always going to happen, that is happening here, it happened in virtually every nation within the africa continent following the decolonisation act of 1920.

whenever the colonialists are kicked out bloodlessly or without a huge country destroying war their system of governance is left intact and the friendlies left in charge of the country and in every instance to reimpose the previous oppressive in your face totalitarian neo-liberal rampant capitalist government using the intact colonial police force, the colonial armed forces coupled with the wealth of the state to carry out the wishes of the overlords that are usually foreign. these swazi type governments are eventually overcome by the indigenous or original inhabitants but not without huge loss of life, and ill gained fortunes.

so many of the refugee's fleeing zimbabwe are all trained in the way of the invaders and pose a huge threat to the stability of an emerging indigenous nation so I congratulate robert mugabe in his efforts to rid the country of those who choose to undermine the sovereignty of the indigenous people of zimbabwe by backing from the british government they are essentially declaring their intent which is to destabilise the country. when aotearoa free's itself from the nz british guberment we too will kick out all those who have worked for the invaders, be that as cleaners, as lecturers in their schools, a teacher, kindergarten teachers. if you were a case manager for the welfare department, a security guard in a colonial bank, a bank teller what ever, when we take over aotearoa there is the chance that you may be banned from the new aotearoa or we will have you and all your whanau imprisoned or ejected from the country if you worked for or ever voted for the invaders. na not really but then ya never know what people are capable of hoqwever we are a very forgiving and reasonable people much as mugabe and the zanu PF party, how different is what he is doing to what this illegal government is doing to iwi, it is that what he is doing is correct for the people, they are dismantling the oppressive white system and replacing it with what appears to the outside world to be an oppressive society but the fact of the matter is that those whom his supporters have been seen to hunt down and kill the opposition organisers are clearly not of his instruction. these would be the new to the zanu PF theory of society whose enthusiasm is now not in doubt a strong party though such as their one would all ways have an answer resolving and rectifying issue.

but this government here is an illegal one and we are not even hearing any discussion from the government as to what they are going to do to satisfy our inquiry or to rectify the issue so that we as a people can move on and take our rightful place as the collective conscience of nga iwi hapu and whanau, not some thing from england efn overlord crap. no way we say go back to england.

karena puhi
na but seriously

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kia ora nga iwi hapu whanau

daily rant......

petrol is not the issue it is about we thinking more about alternative forms of transportation possibly even changing our living situations we may have to return to the marae go back to the communal way of living that I remember in the days of my youth. we have to return to the whenua we could take all our newly acquired skills and rebuild our papakainga make communities for ourselves. Any way it is state governments and all the allied governments who are causing the price of petrol to have gone up so much they have control on the price they charge to import the stuff into the country, between 99% and 75% of that two dollars a litre charge are because of government tax, the allies get oil for nothing from their brothers the americans, the petrol hoarders and they charge the people for it however there are bringing the stuff here costs. now we have to fend off their marketers as we become more and more impoverished by spiraling costs as they wage more wars on unsuspecting indigenous people worldwide and you are helping them by buying their petrol.

In the next decade as international indigenous land laws begin to take effect the price of petrol will be rise above $10 a litre making it impossible for individuals to own cars and for farming being as petrol reliant as farming is, farming will become the sole place of international corporations and or self contained communities like iwi hapu me nga whanau. individuals will not be able to eke out a living that way what with iwi land claims for every piece of whenua. like the bro reuben says we have to look at the whenua now as the saviour of our whanau in that each town and city has two weeks food left if they are for some reason cut off from civilisation, what will our people do to get a feed we have to go out to the whenua and get puha, nga watakerehe, kaura, hi ika, hua whenua aua mea katoa.

So worrying about petrol for your over-consuming car will be something you may not get a chance to do for too long. Yeah so we have to create alternatives to petrol, bio-fuels. Most of todays cars can be converted without much trouble to run on plain ole water, see for detailed instructions and we will warn our people of the truth of this situation in that it is the capitalist (make profit for the bosses first) philosophy to get people addicted to 2 dollar a litre of petrol, almost as bad as all these other christians who are into the worst sin of them all the forcing of billions of dollars of aid in the time of natural disasters on devastated countries then they charge the effected country for their services and these armies of disguised as aid worker christians use and force on unsuspecting affected peoples their neo liberal culture.

the amount of energy we consume has to be taken into account in regard to the increasing natural disasters occurring around the world. By buying petrol you are willingly contributing to the premature death of this planet 30 million years before its time. Just so you can get to drop off and pick up the kids from school when there is a more cost effective school bus service. Or you drive to that hui just down the road when walking would have been easier on the environment or that you drove to the shop instead of walking or you drove to work where you could have used public transport so what. You think well pay for the petrol it is not your fault everything is like this you just went along with society which told you to go get a wife have two or three kids buy two cars and a big house with a swimming pool, thats all good or is it. We have to be more concerned about our effect on papatuanuku, but you probably say what I do is up to me if I want to do that and I have the resources then why not well I guess we have to make the sacrifice and become the solution to global warming not the cause.

also as can be seen on the news everyday the world is in a financial spiral downwards so that in a very short space of time central, regional and local governments in aotearoa will like all other capitalist western economies implode on themselves because of their penchant toward hoarding and overconsumption. This prediction is easily seen as it is already manifesting itself with unprecedented food price rises of 0.8% nationwide, 200% rent rises, exaggerated house prices, shrinking wages compared with the cost of living and increasing incidences of homelessness, domestic violence, crime statistics and suicides. Another indicator has been the closing down of huge employers of people, where three months ago it was a weekly occurrence for employers of over one hundred people to close. This has now turned into an avalanche, the tiwai smelter, Orini freezing works, retail factories levin, Otaki, Napier in fact all over the country are closing or threatening to close or move offshore with the rising dollar being blamed, however we know it is because of the capitalists wars they are waging around the world the 13 billion dollars a month cost of the iraq conflict the 187 wars they are maintaining all around the world who can maintain the cost of those wars well it is us the consumer, through our buying their ill-gotten goods we fund the war against indigenous people waged by the west. We want the american and western investors to pull their investments out of aotearoa get lost go back to england.

the armed forces and the police will be impotent to stop widespread looting and reoccupation of our whenua when the country goes belly up because of their reliance on petrol. So give iwi your support now as we will provide you hinu mo nga waka. certainly the price of these necessary things are what people feel is beyond their ability to influence but we say you can support the iwi independence paati at the pakeha are freaking, ha ha..... after their capitalist war against iraq they have no pinga's left they are befeft of anything other than our dole and lots of rhetoric. and soon they will be as a ship left adrift to float accidentally back to england.

karena puhi