
Sunday, August 24, 2008

more iwi political parties take to the road

kia ora koutou

point taken mate but no way am i trying to castigate the m party its just that having other iwi political parties out there gives our people choices, there is nothing wrong with variety. It is the only way of letting our people know that we are not lackeys because if we seem to be that if we get in there and are unable to through ignorance to make a difference then we can always vote them out in favour of someone else then we are serving that purpose. the m party polling at 2.4 percent in the polls mmm they need 5 percent for the list to take effect, but the M roll does not have lists.

And no we will not "relent this time" on the m party as we believe "the more (iwi political parties) the better" so what if the m party support is weakened. by having people voting for other iwi political parties that is what indigenous politics is about. we did not all support tainui and ngai tahu when they took the money from the crown for a full and final settlement expediting this close off period. Experience with politics for me be that student politics, local and national politics clearly shows that losing elections and not getting your way is a common occurrence. you therefore either massage your goals and policies to suit those sectors of your target society to better suit their needs and wants or go down in a flaming ball of fire.

Elections are more or less about the masses deciding who is going to take out the rubbish and who is going to dispose of our piss and shit and to keep the lights switched on, not much else. everything else like armed forces, schools, universities, hospitals and the like occur naturally where ever there are large concentrations of people. so if your policies as a party are well thought out and along those lines and that they come from a strong foundation such as "rights" or more specifically as stipulated in article three of the declaration of indigenous peoples rights, also article twelve of the united nations charter "the right to political representation" then voting for the m party only is ridiculous and counter productive to iwi having a society that is based on fairness, justice and a meaningful existence.
see I can collect the rubbish and dispose of the shit as well as the m party.

If we all agreed with what whatarangi and tariana of the m party decide is to be the policy of the party in terms of iwi rights then we are crazy to accept this as we will become like we already are, fully americanised britisher citizens where we are the taxpaying indigenous resource strippers stripping our own moana of our fish, stripping our own forests and strip mining all our own precious metals for this illegal government well bugger that hey and the m party say woe betide those who want to oppose them.

nevertheless of the multitudes of our people who are into the m party there are many they have rejected such as those who have criminal records, or those who are from the gay or lesbian community, or even those who are unemployed and in gangs, or smoke ciggies or marijuana and or who are beneficiaries. who represents these people we do thats who, and if you are muslim or budhist or anything that is not christianised then bo you is stuffed with that party so if you like them thats all well and good bro. but because some of us fit into those categories we have to take another look into the future, to determine what we think it may look like for iwi hapu and whanau and well I believe it will not always be as it is today, we may even have an iwi prime minister again one day but at least by having choices we are not always at the beck and call of the peripatetic white supremacists.

chur Mike rant rant..........

karena puhi
keep the articles coming

--- In, Mike Smith wrote:
> Hahahaha ....... that's pretty serious ....... serious AND
> funny ...... love it
> On 25/08/2008, at 2:57 PM, Rueben Porter wrote:
> > Cher bro, gotta tautoko your korero while I here online. For all the
> > korero , its true what you say. The democrapic system has us on the
> > backfoot.
> > They block us at every move yes, they been doing this game of
> > colonisation for millenium now. They change rules whenever it suits
> > them, they hold a bible in one hand and a S.W.A.T team in the other,
> > they create a negotiation process then refuse to negoitate, they
> > take away our lands then only recognise those who have permanent
> > addresses etc etc etc...
> >
> > But sometimes cuz , we indigenous peoples have a colonised reaction
> > of smacking each other down. So good are the colonials at
> > colonising, we do'nt know that when we kick our kids arses, when we
> > scrap against our Polynesian and Asian brothers, when we put down
> > our maori-made intiatives, we are fulfilling the legacy of the
> > colonial machine taught us so long ago we think it is tikanga maori
> > from our tupuna.
> >
> > Gotta start with our whanau and our hapu first bro, before we can
> > take on the empire forshure... But don't hurt to support other
> > kaupapa too. Not saying lets be gullible, chew grass and wait for
> > our turn to get milked... just saying if it looks better for our
> > people then before, we should give it a go
> >
> > Not the only answer, but a good one is to back TMP bro, for now
> > anyway...
> >
> > Anyways better them than us aye?
> > Gives us more time to do the real things in life. Manaaki peepi,
> > hangaia whare kura, tautoko hapu, tiaki whenua, koukou moana.
> > mauri ora whanau
> > Rueben
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Geoffrey Karena
> > To:
> > Sent: Monday, August 25, 2008 2:02 PM
> > Subject: Re: [tai-tokerau] another wreck on our takutaimoana...
> >
> > kia ora reuben
> >
> > Ae ra e hoa pai noa ki te kitea enei tangata ki te oho mai nga
> > ahuatanga o te whare paremata nei chur. pai tena hoki kia whakaata
> > aua rarangi ingoa kia marama ai te motu kowai enei tangata e tu ana.
> > I te mea hoki kei waenga i a ratou nga roia, nga mahita, nga
> > kaiwhakapaoho, nga poutokomanawa o nga wananga, kura kaupapa me nga
> > kohanga reo pakeha hei mangai. I te mea ka pai enei tangata hei mema
> > o ratou na o ratou kuaretanga o te poharatanga o tatou. heoi ano kei
> > tenei rarangi ko nga tane nga wahine o tatou hoki kia kaha ki nga
> > roopu a iwi i torangapu nei.
> >
> > To newer parties like the iwi independence paati who do not enjoy
> > the same public profile as the m party, we are committed to iwi hapu
> > and whanau independence, self-determination and the return of all
> > land to an iwi hapu and whanau paremata. these goals are not popular
> > nor are they fully understood by the general iwi population probably
> > because they know little of this sort of talk. Much like my mum and
> > dad who voted for labour all their voting life while they were
> > around. when asked why they did that my mum replied because my dad
> > did, and his dad before him too, sheesh what a joke. Also if these
> > members of the m party caucus are there to support the kaupapa of
> > the treaty of waitangi then we are lost, the waitangi tribunal will
> > soon close off all claims september the 1st 2008 bloody toe rag
> > baldheads.
> >
> > If the m party take te tai tonga, and they manage to get one of the
> > general seats, what good is that the polls show no indication that
> > any of the general electorates are going to the m party, they may
> > take the other three seats but whose purpose will that serve no ones
> > but the treaty supporters. it will not support the indigenous spirit
> > for freedom no way. their purpose in there would be over, the idea
> > that the treaty could be deleted is another reason why the need for
> > more specific iwi, hapu and whanau political parties is paramount to
> > our moving forward as a nation as a distinct peoples where we will
> > see our own flesh and blood representing nga puhi and not some
> > descendant of the murderers of our people at the olympic games. I
> > congratulate my whanaunga Mr Larkin awesome we need more indigenous
> > political parties in there not more yes men and wahine for the
> > pakeha, a hapu party would definately be a bonus and will also mean
> > that all the other parties
> > will have to communicate with us and that eventually we should
> > thence see more of a spread of ideals and ideologies being debated
> > in the house not just some englishafied wants by the members of
> > parliament as the beseech their queen in foreign lands for
> > justification. We also as I am sure David Rankin has a list
> > candidates as well which i am sure will be released in future but
> > the ideal time for me is when we are told that Mixed Member
> > Proportional Representation will take effect in Cabinet.
> >
> > good on the m party for having their list out here, now we can
> > criticise and ngau tuara about them and well yeah. even though the m
> > seats do not qualify for list seats this applies to general seats
> > only it is so positive to see this even though there is no need to
> > create a list. but hey we will see perhaps all the pakeha's sleep in
> > on voting day and we will be in but you know I doubt if that would
> > happen. In fact the present electoral act illegally disenfranchises
> > iwi and iwi hapu whanau voters at the election. because if you are
> > on the M roll you get one vote, although you tick two boxes on the
> > ballot paper, your party vote is not counted. The act will not allow
> > for lists in the M electorates as they are for the natives and well
> > they do not have rights as the colonisers do that is why they do not
> > want to give us jobs because we are not english enough. we are
> > considered to be no better than beasts, savage heathens. so we are
> > thrice disenfranchised by the
> > damned invaders. if the m party do get more people into parliament
> > it will be to no avail they will get so bogged down with
> > parliamentary mahi that they will not be able to help the kahui
> > whanau of aotearoa nor will they be able to stem the flow of iwi
> > deaths caused by this governments brutal social, and economic
> > policies. Their presence in there will not be tolerated. however as
> > I supported MMP when it was brought in I believe that there is time
> > for this government to reform itself so that this legislation can
> > take effect. to date this labour led government has held us all in
> > illegal bondage since mmp became the preferred method of political
> > elections in this country. as it is we are left to compete in a
> > competition that is stacked against us from the word go. We do not
> > have the resources to set up nationwide branches and electorates nor
> > are we able to gain popular support through articulating our
> > policies because this government run media will not
> > allow it.
> >
> > anyway we are more about iwi being an independent nation with its
> > own council or paremata one that is based on the tribal rohe with
> > its an election method that is transparent and not prone to
> > corruption and nepotism. the line up as you have given is full of
> > people who have supped scrumptiously from the trough of the white
> > man, and who to this day will have no compunction about signing our
> > death warrants. that is what worries me about these dudes. but
> > rather than justify these statements about these people the idea of
> > having more iwi hapu whanau political paaties is the only way ahead
> > for iwi today.
> >
> > rather than look pissed off and setting up a tent embassy in
> > parliament we will rather go to parliament as the m party is want to
> > articulate a bi-something or multi-something or rather thingee.
> > anyway we are more specific in our goals we want what all indigenous
> > peoples world-wide want particularly those who have suffered at the
> > hands of a brutal oppressive invader the british freedom from
> > oppression.
> >
> > We want them gone yesterday at the moment because of the normalising
> > effect of the present membership of the m party and the makeup of
> > its candidates iwi will be no better off even with the seven seats
> > going our way woopdy doo.
> >
> > karena puhi
> > iwi independence paati
> >
> > --- On Mon, 25/8/08, Rueben Porter wrote:
> > From: Rueben Porter
> > Subject: Re: [tai-tokerau] another wreck on our takutaimoana...
> > To:
> > Date: Monday, 25 August, 2008, 12:25 PM
> >
> > Kiaora e te rangatira, mai te tautoko o Ngati Wai, kua hoatu ou
> > matauranga e pa ana ki te tiaki o nga taonga o te moana, kia matou .
> > Tirohia tatou ki reira mo te timatanga o te oranga mo tenei roopu.
> > No reira ka mihi hoki ki koutou.
> >
> > Also the names that support the maori party nation wide, you can't
> > disregard easily. What an exciting day to look forward to when we
> > have 20 whanau of this calibre in parliament house fighting for us.
> >
> > Even Kelvin, Geoffrey and David have to agree that this is an
> > impressive line up...
> >
> > 1. Hon Tariana Turia
> >
> > 2. Dr Pita Sharples
> >
> > 3. Hone Harawira
> >
> > 4. Te Ururoa Flavell
> >
> > 5. Angeline Greensill
> >
> > 6. Derek Fox
> >
> > 7. Rahui Katene
> >
> > 8. Naida Glavish
> >
> > 9. Iritana Tawhiwhirangi
> >
> > 10. Hector Matthews
> >
> > 11. Te Orohi Paul
> >
> > 12. Amokura Panoho
> >
> > 13. Grant Hawke
> >
> > 14. Bronwyn Yates
> >
> > 15. Josie Peita
> >
> > 16. Richard Orzecki
> >
> > 17. Mereana Pitman
> >
> > 18. Te Awanuiarangi Black
> >
> > 19. Georgina Haremate-Crawford.


capitalist slaves olympic games over at last now we can get back to the war

Ka tau tena e koutou

At last the capitalist "security council" funded olympic games along with its enslaved colonies are efn over or are they. So what the efn heck have we learned from this un-adultered exhibition of western capitalist neo liberal wank fest consumerism, what that nearly 90% of the worlds indigenous population are enslaved by the capitalist west with many western, communist countries China, USA, Jamaica, Spain, Kenya, Australia, Canada, Britain, Germany etc using indigenous athletes who have been enslaved for four to five generations. The games are one of the ways these slavemasters show to the rest of the world that the ideology of democratic individualising individualism is the way to go and that all who resist her will be severly dealt with. hence why there are over 198 wars, civil conflicts or civilian revolutionary strifes occurring somewhere around the globe as we speak. The lethal paternalistic instinct thus displayed by these capitalist dogs of war is evidenced by the fact that thousands of indigenous peoples are bombed every day either by the american, russian, french, chinese, nato and allied armed forces. what the....... I hear you say yep

where were the indigenous teams, there were none this was the capitalist peoples games generally the christian peoples games oh and those communist countries who because of the large nature of its armed forces are allowed in anyway so really it has no right to call itself representative of the world as it is made up just 140 nations mainly common wealth countries where are the other four hundred indigenous tribes whom are nations in their own right. but like many indigenous peoples their lands have been taken off them by the G20, group of countries and many of them are represented at the United Nations General Assembly. Is that representation worth nothing as those with the largest populations and the biggest armies are the ones who call all the shots what a load of crap man when will indigenous rights be taken seriously before there is change in this world are we to be always told by some foreign dominator's as to what we can have for tea. in aotearoa it is like that we can not prepare our sons and daughters for a bright future in aotearoa we can but prepare them for war. we can only teach them hate and revenge, restitution and rebellion what else is there? there are no jobs for our people we are ruled with an iron fist by a government that is reminiscent of the stories told to us by our old people of the time the pakeha invaded. they told of a time when they were hounded unto near extinction by this government to me we want an end to this sort of rule by fear. so if anyone wants to vote for these two authoritarian parties labour or national then you do so at your own risk because they will not care that you voted for them they are descendents of brutal invaders so then we will have to create an escalation of hostilities on these invaders. what else is there, its like when I asked my son why he did not do the dishes, replies and says well dad I wanted to leave something for you to do, I go mouth agape I cracked up, but seriously son I go, there is going to be a war soon and he replies yes dad I have been hearing that all my life so yeah there you go then.

the west have been looking at making asia another of its territories like a sort of sphere of influence where they might want to trade the wool they steal from aotearoa for oil but the chinese do not want wool as they have silk. although precious metals like silver and gold are sought after in asia a commodity the west has in abundance which they stole off iwi and other indigenous peoples of the continents of america, of africa, south america etc., just so they can participate in the mining of oil in the pacific and other regions like oceania where these precious metals are plentiful.

the olympics where the meaning to life is no more important than being the best gymnast in the world, or being the fastest man or women over a hundred metres in the world, what then what is after that. do we pick a world team in every sport then go and challenge uranus or challenge jupiter no we have not got that far yet as these operators of the world, the UN, the IMF, the World Bank, G20 and all the members of the security Council of the world decree that this is it. surely the olympics should be used to test our athletes as we collectively look to the skies as another area to venture out into. testing one for speed will not matter in the universe or will it, swimming the hundred metres in an universal games would be a spectacle worth watching.

what these games look like to many particularly to the indigenous peoples of the world, is the ole "I am greater than thou" ho ha ha. some hoity toity gentleman's club of enslavers of the minions, where success is determined by how many dollars each nation has spent on each of its medals this number can get to ridiculous heights. or how much did it cost you to bring that slave to that level of preparedness, what the ef ever.

in the case of NZ well our athletes (I am discussing this because our indigenous TV is only on for eight hours a day: so I was left watching either the pakeha infomercials or the games) performed dismally, also all the athletes are not tangata whenua they are all foreigners. anyway we the indigenous people do not value the winning of a gold medal of any importance participation is good though.

karena puhi


government oppresses indigenous political representation in aotearoa

kia ora reuben

Ae ra e hoa pai noa ki te kitea enei tangata ki te oho mai nga ahuatanga o te whare paremata nei chur. pai tena hoki kia whakaata aua rarangi ingoa kia marama ai te motu kowai enei tangata e tu ana. I te mea hoki kei waenga i a ratou nga roia, nga mahita, nga kaiwhakapaoho, nga poutokomanawa o nga wananga, kura kaupapa me nga kohanga reo pakeha hei mangai. I te mea ka pai enei tangata hei mema o ratou na o ratou kuaretanga o te poharatanga o tatou. heoi ano kei tenei rarangi ko nga tane nga wahine o tatou hoki kia kaha ki nga roopu a iwi i torangapu nei.

To newer parties like the iwi independence paati who do not enjoy the same public profile as the m party, we are committed to iwi hapu and whanau independence, self-determination and the return of all land to an iwi hapu and whanau paremata. these goals are not popular nor are they fully understood by the general iwi population probably because they know little of this sort of talk. Much like my mum and dad who voted for labour all their voting life while they were around. when asked why they did that my mum replied because my dad did, and his dad before him too, sheesh what a joke. Also if these members of the m party caucus are there to support the kaupapa of the treaty of waitangi then we are lost, the waitangi tribunal will soon close off all claims september the 1st 2008 bloody toe rag baldheads.

If the m party take te tai tonga, and they manage to get one of the general seats, what good is that the polls show no indication that any of the general electorates are going to the m party, they may take the other three seats but whose purpose will that serve no ones but the treaty supporters. it will not support the indigenous spirit for freedom no way. their purpose in there would be over, the idea that the treaty could be deleted is another reason why the need for more specific iwi, hapu and whanau political parties is paramount to our moving forward as a nation as a distinct peoples where we will see our own flesh and blood representing nga puhi and not some descendant of the murderers of our people at the olympic games. I congratulate my whanaunga Mr Larkin awesome we need more indigenous political parties in there not more yes men and wahine for the pakeha, a hapu party would definately be a bonus and will also mean that all the other parties will have to communicate with us and that eventually we should thence see more of a spread of ideals and ideologies being debated in the house not just some englishafied wants by the members of parliament as the beseech their queen in foreign lands for justification. We also as I am sure David Rankin has a list candidates as well which i am sure will be released in future but the ideal time for me is when we are told that Mixed Member Proportional Representation will take effect in Cabinet.

good on the m party for having their list out here, now we can criticise and ngau tuara about them and well yeah. even though the m seats do not qualify for list seats this applies to general seats only it is so positive to see this even though there is no need to create a list. but hey we will see perhaps all the pakeha's sleep in on voting day and we will be in but you know I doubt if that would happen. In fact the present electoral act illegally disenfranchises iwi and iwi hapu whanau voters at the election. because if you are on the M roll you get one vote, although you tick two boxes on the ballot paper, your party vote is not counted. The act will not allow for lists in the M electorates as they are for the natives and well they do not have rights as the colonisers do that is why they do not want to give us jobs because we are not english enough. we are considered to be no better than beasts, savage heathens. so we are thrice disenfranchised by the damned invaders. if the m party do get more people into parliament it will be to no avail they will get so bogged down with parliamentary mahi that they will not be able to help the kahui whanau of aotearoa nor will they be able to stem the flow of iwi deaths caused by this governments brutal social, and economic policies. Their presence in there will not be tolerated. however as I supported MMP when it was brought in I believe that there is time for this government to reform itself so that this legislation can take effect. to date this labour led government has held us all in illegal bondage since mmp became the preferred method of political elections in this country. as it is we are left to compete in a competition that is stacked against us from the word go. We do not have the resources to set up nationwide branches and electorates nor are we able to gain popular support through articulating our policies because this government run media will not allow it.

anyway we are more about iwi being an independent nation with its own council or paremata one that is based on the tribal rohe with its an election method that is transparent and not prone to corruption and nepotism. the line up as you have given is full of people who have supped scrumptiously from the trough of the white man, and who to this day will have no compunction about signing our death warrants. that is what worries me about these dudes. but rather than justify these statements about these people the idea of having more iwi hapu whanau political paaties is the only way ahead for iwi today.

rather than look pissed off and setting up a tent embassy in parliament we will rather go to parliament as the m party is want to articulate a bi-something or multi-something or rather thingee. anyway we are more specific in our goals we want what all indigenous peoples world-wide want particularly those who have suffered at the hands of a brutal oppressive invader the british freedom from oppression.

We want them gone yesterday at the moment because of the normalising effect of the present membership of the m party and the makeup of its candidates iwi will be no better off even with the seven seats going our way woopdy doo.

karena puhi
iwi independence paati
