
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Iwi independence paati warns government that ignoring iwi aspirations will be to their demise

Iwi independence Paati

Media Release for immediate release
Attention all Political, Education and World Reporters

Key Government, ignores plea for equality by Iwi Hapu and Whanau

The appointment of over 300 foreign pakeha to top posts throughout Government and no Iwi or tangata whenua has angered Iwi independence Paati Senior Political Analyst Geoffrey Karena. Saying it is another reason why up to 30% of Iwi will not participate in electing these totalitarian white supremacist invaders.

In the run up to the last election, as part of Nationals promise to Iwi they promised that Iwi would have a more prominent role to play in society, indeed in Government and appointments to such posts would have illustrated this commitment. Even if at least half of the three hundred high paying posts dished out by the government had gone to Iwi applicants would have signaled to Iwi that there was more commitment by government to fixing the apparent disparities between iwi and pakeha.

The Iwi independence Paati therefore would like to see this charade reversed
and that the will of Iwi for self-determination and independence through a fairer distribution of high paying positions be a priority. The reality for Iwi, Hapu and whanau is that we are through birth the rightful owners of this land and by that right we can decide what we feel are appropriate employment opportunities. This total disregard for iwi employment aspirations means that half of these high paying positions have been like our whenua stolen by pakeha foreigners. In addition, we believe all diplomatic posts be filled by Tangata Whenua.

Thence this Government has a lot to answer for after 101 days running the ship, perhaps they feel these positions are considered inappropriate for Iwi whatever the reason there is no excuse. If there were no applications from Iwi then the position should have been given to a quota system for iwi said Mr. Karena we do it for law students why not for positions of responsibility.

Hence the iwi independence paati pass a vote of "no confidence" to this Government and feel that Cabinet be taken to task for allowing this non-compliance to the promises of our ancestors to come to fruition, particularly if 50% of the applicants for any high flying posts are not guaranteed to Iwi. Through this obviously biased appointment process, it is clear to the Iwi Independence Paati that the colonial ideology of this government is misaligned and pathetic it is as if they are in denial. It seems Iwi have been relegated to the periphery of a society that is intent on remaining as the last flagship of a dying commonwealth.

Karena Puhi

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Aotearoa is iwi land

Tena Tatou katoa

What a rip off this NZ government is aye cuzzies, firstly they turn up at one of our hui in the late 1700's and start getting the local whomsoever happened along to scratch an x on a piece of paper and they get a few blankets and tobacco, huh and they state in 2009 in a waitangi tribunal report on said land that it was legally sold to the crown for ever and ever for all time, and that the land is now the property of the invaders. What a pack of crooks those deals were illegal, selling was not the intention of the tangata whenua. There were obviously issues occurring within iwi, who were mixed in the pakeha being here in aotearoa. This was evidenced by those of nga puhi who did not support the crown and participated in nothing, and then there were those who supported the crown who fought for and on behalf of the crown. Oh and then there were those that fought both the crown and the iwi who who fought with the crown. Then there were those such as Ngati Awa, Ngati Hikutu, Pou etc who did not want anything to do with either of the differing trains of thoughts who just wanted to remain as they were. Be that at its own pace rather than that espoused by the then changing world. The majority of those that support the crown through time and circumstances beyond their control all end up fighting alongside those whanau who did the opposite and are today forming unlikely alliances that today we have to use to better assist us in wresting control and te mana motuhake of this whenua off the pakeha and back to the iwi owners.

Much of the reports written for the waitangi tribunal and claimants to Nga takiwa o Pewhairangi, and areas known to Nga Puhi etc, are hence today thus used by pakeha historians to weave their specific fantasy which they use to justify their existence in aotearoa and the invalidity of the Treaty Of Waitangi. The pakeha are using this document to ensure that iwi remember that the Land Deed Sales state clearly "the Iwi give up all rights to said lands to the queen of england for ever and ever" what a load of shit that is. To the pakeha Aotearoa was a waste land, terra naulis with no living beings here we were not even considered to be human. The Iwi tactics of those times were disjointed and ineffective to stem the theft of our whenua.

Conspiricy theory or fact

That Waikato Tairea Te ArikiNui o Ngati Awa, te Whakaminenga o Te Tai Tokerau went to England to see King Edward the 4th where on one of many visits he made from 1816 onwards the subject was free trade with Great Britain. The deal involved Seal and Whaling rights, timber Spars for sailing ships, agriculture, flax and settlement.
The guns he and Hongi Hika came back with were brought on the international arms markets with the gold and diamonds they had taken with them. The guns were used to displace those tribes who had been asked to make way for the coming british settlers, te whanga nui a tara was one such place for a settlement as was new plymouth, Auckland as a city was thought of later on as a settlement in that Kororareka and the bay of islands became too small for the hundreds of thousands of ships that were expected in our waters.

These instigators of this free trade deal are still in place and as such all our primary products such as meat, dairy products, timber, minerals etc., are free to western countries britain america etc, all at the behest of the deal worked out with Waikato Tairea in 1816. What the british were supposed to do was to pay iwi 13 pounds out of every hundred to go towards every iwi person of aotearoa for their Education, Healthcare, Employment, entertainment, etc. The system of this country is what iwi were responsible for establishing which this government calls its government as it stands today.

at the time the iwi who worked this deal were all murdered so kotahitanga was sparodic, with many of the tribes not knowing what was being transpired above them thence falsley wanting the pakeha resident in our towns and cities. Those that scratched the x on Land Sales for the majority of iwi lands had been taken for the incoming NZ Company Settlers via a deal worked out by the free trade deal of 1816.

I think this deal needs to be repealed